Jeffery Curtis Poor

God Doesn’t Want You To Be Miserable

For years Christians have been leading the charge to deny pleasures in the pursuit of Jesus. After all in Matthew 16:24 Jesus tells us we need to pick up our cross and follow Him. Dying to ourself doesn’t seem like a pleasure seeking move. However I think we have been focusing on the wrong thing.

The Top 3 Most Misunderstood Bible Verses

Our culture loves soundbites. We have about a 30 second attention span (I’m definitely guilty of that). And because of that we often take one Bible verse and go around quoting what it says while ignoring the context. Sometimes this gives us a half truth, other times it gives us something totally wrong. These are the top 3 Bible verses that I hear that don’t mean what people think they do.

Should We Make Christian Movies?

Let’s be really honest. Most Evangelical attempts at films in the last 30 years have been, putting it nicely, terrible. Numerous people, Christian and non-Christian alike, have taken a shot at exactly why this is. Everything from “they’re cheap” to “they’re not honest enough” have been suggested. For the past four years or so since starting my own career as a filmmaker, I’ve struggled to explain to many why I refuse to support these movies.