How To Depend On God (5 practical tips for relying on God)

Throughout the Bible we see the command to depend on God. It’s a basic practice of a Christian’s life, something we are all called to do. 

Even though the command is clear, many Christians struggle with depending on God. And I get that it’s hard. It’s a daily surrender and consent. But it’s also the only way to step into the incredible life that God has for us. 

So, I want to give you some practical ways that you can rely on God in your everyday life. And I think if you put these in practice, your life and faith will grow. 

Let’s start by looking at what the Bible says about depending on God. 

What Does The Bible Say About Depending On God 

Throughout the Bible we see the command to rely on God time and time again. It’s a theme from the front to the back. 

In the Old Testament we see the Israelites relying on God for food, deliverance from their enemies, and just about every basic need. Regularly we see the name “deliverer” ascribed to God, and he continues to come through for his people. 

In the New Testament we see the command echoed to keep depending on God for all our needs. Paul writes at length in his letters to the early church to go to God for what they need. And he continues to remind his readers that God provides. 

Relying on God is something every follower of Jesus is called to do. 

For more check out: 100 Bible Verses About Relying On God (

What Do We Rely On God For? 

Before we look at how we can depend on God, I want to look at what we should be dependent for. Below are some of the most common things the Bible tells us to rely on God to provide for us. 

1. Salvation 

All throughout the New Testament we see that salvation is provided by the work of Jesus on our behalf. On our own we are stuck in our sin and destined for death. But Jesus took our sin on himself and paid the price. 

Over and over again we see the call for Christians to rely on God for our salvation; no where else can we be saved (Ephesians 2:8-9, Romans 6:23, Acts 4:12, John 6:44, and many others). 

This is the first and biggest thing we are called to depend on God for. 

2. Wisdom 

The reality is we aren’t as smart as we think we are. Left on our own we will continually make bad decisions and end up in places we don’t want to be. That’s why the Bible continually tells us to rely on God’s wisdom (Proverbs 3:5, James 1:5, Ephesians 1:16-17). 

In contrast we are told not to rely on man’s wisdom because that will only lead us astray. But God’s wisdom will point us in the right direction. 

3. Direction 

We all make decisions daily, some big some small. Each decision we make determines the direction our lives are heading. The Bible calls us to depend on God for the directions we take (Matthew 6:25-34, Proverbs 4:26, Jeremiah 17:5-9).

This means that we listen to what God says is best. When it comes time to make a decision we make God-honoring choices rather than what we want or desire. This is relying on God, that his ways are better than ours.

4. Everything

I know this might seem like a copout answer, but really it’s the message of the Bible. We are to depend on God for everything. From our daily needs to our eternal life. God is a father who cares and who provides. 

Therefore, when we have a need in life (big or small) we simply need to go to him. He will give us what we need. 

How To Depend On God

So, how do we actually depend on God? Let’s look at five practical ways you can rely on God in your everyday life. 

1. Pray (be honest) 

Prayer is one of the greatest tools a follower of Jesus has to depend on God. It’s how we can give God our worries and find strength. 

I often see Christians feel they need to put on a face and pretend everything is okay, and that’s what it means to have a strong faith. But that’s simply not true. We can and we should show our weakness to God. 

2 Corinthians 12:9 tells us that it’s in our weakness God is strong. So, when we pray we should be honest with God about what we are feeling and struggling with. It’s when we show our weakness that we will find God’s strength. 

Struggling to pray? Check out: How To Pray To God (10 Powerful Ways To Pray)

2. Listen To God

There’s often a disconnect between what we say and what we do. Depending on God is not something that we say, it’s an action we take. That means we actually have to listen to what God says. 

If you want to rely on God, then listen to what he’s telling you to do. This starts with what he says in the Bible and continues with what the Holy Spirit tells you to do. Listen to, and follow, what God tells you. 

3. Live By Faith, Not By Sight 

It’s easy to focus on what’s happening around us and think that’s all there this. When things take a turn for the worse in our life it’s tempting to think everything is falling apart. It’s natural. 

But to rely on God we have to take a different approach to life. Rather than focusing only on what’s happening around us, we look to what we cannot see. We look past our struggles and toward God. 

What this means is that we don’t let our circumstances dictate our faith. We live by faith, not by the appearance of our circumstances. 

This is easier said than done. And to live this way you need to prioritize spending time with God. AND you need to find people to walk through life with. On your own you will continually struggle to look past your circumstances. 

Read more here: The Powerful Meaning Of 2 Corinthians 5:7 (for we live by faith not by sight)

4. Abide In Christ 

To abide in Christ is really another way of saying to depend on Jesus. 

To abide means to stay connected with God. A tree branch cannot grow if it’s not connected to the tree. Similarly, a follower of Jesus cannot grow unless they are connected to God. 

This isn’t a one time thing, rather a lifelong discipline. To depend on God means that we stay connected to him. 

To learn more about abiding in Christ check out: What You Need To Know About Abide In The Bible (John 15:4 meaning)

5. Wait Patiently 

I’ll be honest, I don’t like waiting. But throughout my faith journey God has continually called me to wait on him. And that’s been a good thing.

We often want God to act in our time; when we ask God for something we expect an instant answer. But sometimes depending on God means that we have to wait patiently for him. 

God is doing things we cannot see this side of heaven. He’s working things out that we cannot understand in our finite means. Philip Yancey says, “Faith is believing in advance what will only make sense in reverse.” 

Waiting seasons are never wasted seasons. God uses them to grow our faith. So, wait patiently. God will provide. 

Jeffery Curtis Poor
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