The Powerful Psalm 139:14 Meaning

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. Psalm 139:14

Have you ever stopped to think about how incredible your body is? There are so many things it does that you probably don’t even notice. The Psalm 139:14 meaning invites us to pause and reflect on how God has created us. 

This psalm speaks to God’s incredible power and unique creativity. I believe this verse will encourage you and make you thankful for all that God has done. 

The Context Of Psalm 139:14

To help you better understand the meaning of Psalm 139:14 we are first going to take a broad look at the entire psalm. 

In Psalm 139 David praises God for his incredible power and marvels at all he can do. David recognizes that God knows everything about him, good and bad. He knows that God was there forming him in his mother’s womb. And he knows now that there is no place he can hide from God. 

We see in the first half of this psalm that David describes each of God’s characteristics of omniscience, omnipresence, and omnipotence. 

As the psalm progresses David turns his attention towards the wicked and all the evil that they do. He considers them God’s enemies. This leads David to ask God to search his heart and expose any sin that might be present. That way he can stay on God’s path and not veer towards something else. 

Psalm 139:14 is found in the middle of this psalm and describes God’s omnipotence, meaning that he has all power. This leads David to reflect back on how God created him. 

The Psalm 139:14 Meaning 

Let’s take a closer look at this verse; to help you better understand the meaning of Psalm 139:14 I’ve broken this verse into two sections. 

You Are Fearfully And Wonderfully Made Meaning

In this verse, David is praising God that he was knit together in his mother’s womb (Psalm 139:13). He is praising God’s power to create and also his creativity in the process. This is beyond what we can comprehend as humans. 

To be fearfully and wonderfully made means that each person is intricately created by God. We are god’s handiwork and there are no two people alike. To be fearful suggests that David felt a sense of awe and reverence. He saw that depth and beauty in God’s creation and that led to amazement. 

Because of this, David praised God. This verse is his expression of his gratitude for the extraordinary way in which he, and others, are created. 

Your Works Are Wonderful I Know That Full Well

David goes back to where the verse starts; because of God’s great works, he will praise him. David recognizes the uniqueness and brilliance of God’s creation. He knows full well that he is not random or made by accident, but he is fearfully and wonderfully made.  

It’s easy to take God’s creation for granted, we see it every day. But here David is pausing and reflecting on the wonderful works of God that surround him. It’s a practice each of us should do regularly.

How Psalm 139:14 Applies To Your Life

I want to end by looking at how we can apply the Psalm 139:14 meaning to our lives. Here’s two ways we can live this passage out. 

1. Think About How God Has Created You 

I think we sometimes forget the intricacies of how God has created us. Psalm 139:14 challenges us to pause and think about how incredible our bodies are. 

Think about the food you eat and the thousands of taste buds that allow you to experience it in incredible ways. Think about what goes into each breath you take. Or all the parts that have to work in harmony just so you can exist. 

The human body is incredible, and we shouldn’t lose sight that we are fearfully and wonderfully made. Pause and think about how God has created you.

2. Praise God For What He Has Done 

This should lead us to praise God. As you notice the intricacies of how God made you, thank him for that. It can be something small, thank you for my feet that help me walk. Thank you for the food that tastes so good. Thank you for the ability to laugh. 

Psalm 139:14 should lead us to praise God for how he’s created us. You are fearfully and wonderfully made; that should lead you to praise God for how he’s created you. Maybe even create a list of things that you are thankful that God gave you the ability to do. 

Too often the extraordinary becomes ordinary. We are fearfully and wonderfully made and we should continue to praise God for how he has made us.

Now check out: The Meaning Of Be Still And Know That I Am God (Psalm 46:10)

Jeffery Curtis Poor
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