The Powerful Meaning Of Revelation 21:4 (he will wipe away every tear…)

“He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.” Revelation 21:4

This is one of the most powerful, and popular, descriptions of what heaven will be like in the Bible. This verse offers followers of Jesus an incredible hope of God cares for his people.

In this blog post we are going to dive into the meaning of Revelation 21:4 and how it applies to our life. I believe you will be greatly encouraged by this remarkable passage. 

Let’s start by looking at the context of this verse. 

The Context Of Revelation 21:4

In the final chapters of Revelation, John (the author) shifts his focus on what will come after this life passes. In Revelation 21 John calls this the New Jerusalem. This is not referring to the historic city nor the surviving Jerusalem in Revelation 20:9. Rather John is referencing a heavenly city that God has built. 

John attempts to describe this city in all it’s grandeur but fails to have words, and instead he uses analogies comparing the city to the most precious metals and gems we have. Even this incredible picture falls short of what this new city will be like. 

This incredible city that awaits comes as the events in the previous chapters come to a close. Christ has defeated Satan, and now a new heaven and a new earth are here. 

In Revelation 21:1-5 we see that this new city isn’t just great because of the quality of materials used. It’s great because God will dwell there with his people. 

This is an incredible promise for all who trust in God to hold onto. 

The Meaning Of Revelation 21:4 

Now that we know the context let’s look at the Revelation 21:4 meaning and see what this New Jerusalem will be like. To help you better understand this verse I’ve broken it down into three sections. 

He Will Wipe Every Tear From Their Eyes

He will wipe every tear from their eyes… what an incredible promise and powerful picture. John is highlighting the compassion God has for his people and the kind of place we will spend eternity.

This life, the old life, is full of things that bring tears to our eyes. There is pain around every corner. But the promise of the Bible is that one day this world will pass and a new one will come. 

Dr Tom Constable describes it this way, “God will wipe away all tears at the inception of the eternal state rather than at some time after that. These are tears caused by life in the old creation, not tears of repentance. This reference to wiping away tears highlights God’s compassion for His people. Sorrow, death, and pain will all end along with the tears, mourning, and crying that result from them.” 

John continues by describing what will be absent from this new life. 

There Will Be No More Death Or Mourning Or Crying Or Pain

In Genesis 3 sin entered the world and along with it came death, mourning, pain, and crying. Now because of our sin and the sin of others we exist in a fallen and broken world. However, it’s temporary. In the New Jerusalem there will be a reversal of the curse. All these painful experiences will be no more. 

Life in this new city will be absent of death, mourning, crying, and pain. There will be no reason, no cause for these things. Instead will we live life as God intended, without the curse of sin. 

This is why in Philippians 1:21 Paul writes that for him to die is actually a gain. He knew what was waiting for him on the other side. 

To learn more about Philippians 1:21 check out: The Powerful Meaning Of Philippians 1:21 (to live is christ to die is gain meaning)

For The Old Order Of Things Has Passed Away

God has defeated all sin and evil. The victory is won and the old order is gone. Revelation 21:4 is describing the implications of this. All wrongs are made right and all suffering, of every kind, is gone. 

This last statement is showing the totality of what God has done. The old has passed away. It’s dead. It’s over. 

In this life we have trials, hardships, and suffering. But for followers of Jesus we can hang onto the hope that one day it will all pass away. A new life is coming. 

The Application Of Revelation 21:4 For Us Today

Revelation 21:4 has a profound message for us. It’s an incredible hope that we should hang on tightly to. In this world there will be pain and suffering. Despite that we can live in a secure hope of this promise. One day God will wipe away every tear. 

The next time you are facing uncertainty, loss, are overcome with grief, in excruciating pain, or are overwhelmed by the darkness in your life, hang onto this verse. Hang onto God’s promises. Our suffering will pass, and we have this incredible promise of what eternity will hold. 

The meaning of Revelation 21:4 gives us a glimpse of what God is preparing for us. A place where sorrow, pain, and death will be no more. This promise gives us hope and strength to endure, to help others, and to face whatever tomorrow holds. 

Jeffery Curtis Poor
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