The Real Meaning Of John 14:6 (I am the way the truth and the life)

“I am the way the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6 

This is one of the most exclusive statements that Jesus ever made. In this verse, Jesus is telling us how we can find life and dispelling other false claims. The meaning of John 14:6 is one that we should not only know but also make the foundation of our faith. 

In this blog post, we are going to dive deeper into the John 14:6 meaning, and I think what you will find will help you grow in your faith. 

The Context Of John 14:6 

To better understand the John 14:6 meaning we first need to look at what led to Jesus saying these words. 

In John 13 Jesus is predicting his coming death and the disciples simply don’t understand. Peter is asking a bunch of questions and is clearly confused. Finally asking, “Lord, why can’t I follow you now?”(John 13:37)

In John 14:1-4 Jesus tries to bring some clarity and says he is preparing a place for them. This isn’t the first time Jesus has spoken about this death, resurrection, and his preparation for his followers. As he’s explaining this again, he’s probably reflecting on the previous conversations they’ve had.

But they still don’t get it; they are still confused. And this time Thomas is the one who speaks up. “Thomas said to him, ‘Lord, we don’t know where you are going, so how can we know the way?’” (John 14:5)

They still didn’t understand where Jesus was going and how they could get there. Thomas’ question is an ask for an unambiguous explanation from Jesus about their destination. The disciples want to know where Jesus is going and how they can go with him. 

And with that request, Jesus gives this now famous verse in response. “Jesus answered, ‘I am the way the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.’” (John 14:6)

John 14:6 - I Am The Way The Truth And The Life

The Meaning Of John 14:6

This is an incredible statement that Jesus made, and there’s so much to unpack. To help us more clearly see the meaning of John 14:6 we are going to break this verse into two sections. 

I Am The Way The Truth And The Life Meaning

I AM. This was a statement of exclusivity. Jesus is saying that it is through me and ONLY me that the following happens. This isn’t the only time Jesus uses “I am” to describe himself; there’s a total of 7 in the book of John alone (John 6:48; John 8:12; John 10:9; John 10:11; John 11:25; John 15:1). 

By saying, “I am,” Jesus was claiming he is the true God. The Jews clearly understood Jesus was quoting Exodus 3:6 and that he was claiming divinity. One time they got so mad at Jesus saying this that they picked up stones to kill him (Matthew 22:32).

“I am” is a name of power and authority. Jesus is claiming God and that the following is only possible THROUGH him. In other words, we should pay attention to what he says next. 

THE WAY. Notice he doesn’t say he’s A way, but THE way. All other paths will not lead to life, only Jesus will. The disciples in this moment are confused about where he was going and Jesus is reiterating his original command, “follow me.” 

THE TRUTH. Again, Jesus isn’t claiming to be a truth. Rather THE truth. Jesus isn’t not only true, he is truth itself. There are lots of other people and religions claiming to have the truth. Jesus is making another exclusive claim here.

THE LIFE. Jesus gives us a way to find life that is diametrically opposed to what the world tells us. The world tells us that the good life is found in appeasing our own desires. Preserving ourselves. In contrast, Jesus says the good life is found when we lay down our life. And soon he will lead by example. In Jesus alone is where we can find life and life abundantly. 

No One Comes To The Father Except Through Me Meaning

When Jesus said, I am the way the truth and the life, he was not saying that he was one way to God among many. He clarifies that in the next part of John 14:6, no one comes to the father except through me.

In other words, the only way to eternal life is through Jesus. If the disciples, and us today, want to find life we must go through him. All other paths will never lead to what they promise. 

How John 14:6 Applies To Your Life 

In John 14:6 Jesus is inviting us into a richer, beautiful, and better life. It’s a life that is only found in him that we could never find on our own. 

Let’s end by taking the meaning of John 14:6 and applying it to our lives. Here are three reflection questions to help you step into the life Jesus has for you. 

1. What Direction Is My Life Heading? 

You will not end up where you want to go if you don’t intentionally set the course for your life. Each of us needs to occasionally pause and look at where we are going. When we head in the wrong direction we shouldn’t be surprised when we end up at the wrong destination. 

John 14:16 teaches us that if you want a life full of love, joy, peace, patience, faithfulness, kindness, and goodness then you need to set your direction toward Jesus. No one and nothing else can provide that. 

So ask yourself, what direction is my life heading? And if you find that you are heading in the wrong direction reset your direction. In other words repent

2. Where Do I Get My Truth From? 

There’s no shortage of voices telling you “truth.” And if you aren’t careful these voices will become the truth of your life. If something or someone other than Jesus is defining truth for you then you will end up believing what is untrue. 

Jesus claims to be THE truth. So, is he where you get your truth from? Because all other wells will leave you thirstier and thirstier. Jesus is the only one who can truly satisfy. 

3. What Do I Think I Need To Have A Good Life? 

Don’t give what you think is the right answer, answer honestly. Look at what you go after in your life. What you think about, dream about, what you are constantly trying to get. 

What do you think you need to be happy? Money, sex, him/her, good job, nice house, vacations, more toys, nicer cars, fun hobbies, lots of friends, power, fame… What is it? 

We tend to think the good life is found in something other than Jesus. The problem is all those things will only let us down. They can’t deliver what they promise. Sure, they satisfy us for a moment, but that moment quickly fades and we need more. 

Jesus has a better way. He shows us that the good life is found in him alone. So if you find you are prioritizing something over Jesus, refocus your life. Call out the lies you’ve bought into that you need “x” to be happy. 

Spend a few minutes reflecting on these questions. Set the course of your life to the one who says, “I am the way the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” It’s in him alone that we can find true life.

Jeffery Curtis Poor
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